i was at a waterfront restaurant and you had to walk this boardwalk with no railings on it way up high over an ocean beach. the wave action was rough and constant and the water churned from sea green to dull mud colors. there were huge upturned trees laying at the edge of the water and the rusty red dark roots had been sculpted to look like giant octopus and squid. a guy was down in the water moving the branches in the surf so that they seemed to be alive and swimming.  i was too scared from the height to walk the boardwalk so decided to crawl and ended up inching my way along on my stomach. eric was behind me walking without any concern. there was no option, you had to go that way to get in to the restaurant and i was hungry so i did it and got somehow found myself stuck on some of those branches and as i crawled they were spinning me out over the edge of the boardwalk. scared to death i would fall to my death and drown...  but managed by moving somewhat backwards to get back on the path and eventually i made it to the door and got inside, i asked the host if there were any other ways in so as to avoid this trauma in the future and he said no you also leave the same way that you arrived so i was stressed out. decided i had to pee and went to look for the bathroom and noticed a simple emergency exit door to the parking lot so that host was an asshole liar, and i know had a plan for after dinner to easily get home! the place was packed, people lined up everywhere standing with big pieces of paper, menus in front of them on stands each with a number. i ordered tuna tacos and then wondered why i had ordered that if i hate seafood? and then because i was so hungry was stressed and anxious as i doubted my choice...they wrote the wrong number on my place mat which is how they know what order to bring you.  i was supposed to be 45 but they wrote 44 and being super hungry was concerned with what food i would be receiving.  some people were leaving a booth and we sat down in their place asking them about their meal and experience to the entrance. they said food was good and had no problem getting in. when i looked out the door we had entered through there was a long line of people standing waiting to get in and they had big safety railings that were not there for me.