it was pleasant, spring perhaps with soft gentle colors, dull shades of gray green and hints of pale pink. we were cushioned together, close, my face just above yours as i saw you say the words your dark lips moving easily fully clearly without hesitation and my stunned reception, the shock of a long awaited pleasure, a wish finally fulfilled. i love you. i only wish you meant that i said as i covered your mouth with mine. the connection complete.  we spent halcyon days at trivial endeavors; trudging through sales jobs and household chores in a gauzy contentment. weeks months passed and slight changes grew less subtle more pronounced. the physical presence changing while the soul staying the same. friends came for games of fantasy and lore and then retreated not noticing your transformation, morphing into a different body. three breasts like the wolf that fostered romulous and remus and long dark curls. it didn't matter what you were. i loved you too.